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Antisocial personality disorder symptoms

Antisocial personality disorder symptoms

Suspect someone you know is a Psychopath?


Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), more commonly referred to as ‘Psychopathy,’ is a behavioural disorder that significantly impacts an individual's behaviour, relationships, and overall functioning. People with ASPD exhibit patterns of manipulation, deceit, and disregard for the rights and feelings of others, often becoming leaders through manipulation and / or coercion and being able to focus under extreme pressure.



Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder

ASPD is characterised by a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the symptoms of ASPD include:


Deceitfulness - Repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure.

Impulsivity - Making decisions on a whim without considering the consequences.

Irritability and Aggressiveness - Frequent physical fights or aggressive outbursts.

Reckless Disregard for Safety - Engaging in dangerous activities with little regard for personal or others' safety.

Consistent Irresponsibility - Inability to sustain consistent work behaviour or honour financial obligations.

Lack of Remorse - Indifference or rationalisation of having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.

Exploitation - People with psychopathy are highly likely to exploit others for their own gain without any feelings of remorse towards them.

For a diagnosis of ASPD, these behaviours must be present from the age of 15 and must persist into adulthood.


Notable Individuals Exhibiting ASPD Traits


Ted Bundy: The infamous serial killer exhibited classic ASPD traits, such as charm, deceitfulness, and lack of remorse. His ability to manipulate and his repeated criminal behaviour are indicative of severe antisocial tendencies.

Charles Manson: The leader of the Manson Family cult showed extreme aggression, manipulation, and a complete disregard for human life, traits aligning with ASPD.

Lucy Letby: The British serial killer who used her position as a neo natal nurse in the Royal Countess of Chester hospital to murder seven babies and attempt to murder a further six. She has shown no remorse for her crimes and maintains that she is innocent, despite being found guilty on these counts by jury following a ten-month Crown Court trial in 2023.



Statistics between men and women, the general population VS the prison population.


Prevalence: ASPD is more commonly diagnosed in men than in women. Estimates suggest that around 3% of men and 1% of women in the general population meet the criteria for ASPD.


Prison Populations


In prison settings, the prevalence of ASPD can be even higher. Research suggests that 30-50% of male inmates and 20-25% of female inmates exhibit traits consistent with ASPD. The disorder is associated with higher rates of recidivism and violent behaviour in prison populations.


Read ‘Left for Dead,’ the best-selling British crime novel.


The link between Psychopathy and Narcissism in domestic abuse


Studies have shown that individuals with high levels of psychopathy and narcissism are more likely to engage in domestic abuse. They are often more physically, emotionally, and psychologically abusive, with those scoring highly for ASPD and NPD likely to have multiple abusive and dysfunctional relationships.


Behavioural Manifestations

Men - Men with ASPD are more likely to engage in overtly aggressive and criminal behaviour. They are often involved in physical violence, theft, and substance abuse. Their antisocial behaviours are more visible and frequently result in legal consequences. They may display more outwardly aggressive and controlling behaviours. They often struggle with anger management and may have a higher propensity for engaging in risk-taking activities.


Women - Women with ASPD tend to exhibit more subtle forms of manipulation and deceit. Their antisocial behaviours may manifest as relational aggression, such as spreading rumours or emotional manipulation. Women with ASPD are also more likely to have co-occurring disorders, such as borderline personality disorder or anxiety disorders. They might exhibit more internalising symptoms, such as chronic feelings of emptiness or unstable self-image. Their manipulative behaviours can be more covert, and they may use their charm and social skills to deceive others.



But is psychopathy always a bad thing?


Like it or not, the world needs psychopaths. They make the best surgeons. Chefs and Lawyers. The trait of a psychopath is a lack of empathy, leadership, working under extreme pressure and being able to keep one's cool.

Other notable professions are police officers, CEOs, salespeople, and journalists.


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