Why ‘It Ends With Us’ got so popular and was snapped up by netflix

Why ‘It Ends With Us’ got so popular and was snapped up by netflix


‘It Ends with Us,’ by Colleen Hoover was a TikTok and Social Media breakthrough book, which saw then indie author Colleen Hoover skyrocket to best-seller status and the book has since been snapped up by Netflix.

The book deals with some very heavy topics, namely domestic abuse, suicide idolisation, and grief, and I was surprised when I heard that this was going to be put onto the silver screen.

Hollywood often likes to shy away from books that focus on these topics, often tending to stick with more ‘classic’ movies of late, that they know have an audience, such as Marvel and superhero movies. This is because such topics are uncomfortable to watch and listen to, however ‘Netflix,’ are more willing to deal with these topics, most notably the recent boom of the British stalking series ‘Baby Reindeer.’  

The fact that now, ‘It Ends with Us’ is going to be on the big screen is not only amazing for Colleen Hoover, but also for the writing world as a whole.

A far stretch from E.L James’ ’50 Shades of Grey,’ ‘It Ends with Us’ is less about spice, and more about the dynamics of a domestic violent relationship, in which we see the lead character ‘Lilly,’ who gets involved with an abusive character ‘Ryle.’

What I like about this story is that Hoover has managed to capture the essence of a domestically abusive relationship, in that the abuse starts subtle, and then eventually ramps up until the victim feels suffocated and cocooned inside the abuser’s cavern of terror.

The book has received overall critical acclaim; however, some reviewers have been vicious about the book and its themes, namely because it doesn’t have trigger warnings.

Personally, I don’t believe in trigger warnings. I think they take away from the impact that the story is meant to have. In a domestic violent relationship, the abuser doesn’t warn you about who they are and what their true intentions are, and I like that Hoover didn’t pander to the crowd and put TW in the book. I feel that would have been a disservice to both the story, and the victims of domestic abuse.

There is also a note to her mother and father at the start of the story, alluding to that her own parents’ marital dysfunction was the inspiration.


If you enjoy reading cutthroat thrillers that deal with real-life topics, then I recommend the best-selling crime series ‘Left for Dead,’ by Jay Darkmoore.


Read ‘It Ends with Us,’ here.


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